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幸运飞行艇开奖查询结果+全国官方开奖历史直播+开奖记录历史 Sharpen your thinking.

Obsidian is the private and flexible writing app that adapts to the way you think.

Your thoughts are yours.
Obsidian stores notes on your device, so you can access them quickly, even offline. No one else can read them, not even us.
Your mind is unique.
With hundreds of plugins and themes, you can shape Obsidian to fit your way of thinking.
Your knowledge should last.
Obsidian uses open, non-proprietary files, so you're never locked in, and can preserve your data for the long term.
Free for personal use
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From personal notes to journaling, knowledge bases, and project management, Obsidian gives you the tools to come up with ideas and organize them.

Create connections between your notes. Link anything and everything — ideas, people, places, books, and beyond. Invent your own personal Wikipedia.

In Meditations on First Philosophy the philosopher René Descartes describes a series of doubts about the nature of reality, arriving at the famous phrase:

  • [[I thin]]
  • I think therefore I am
  • Just think about it
  • Thinking, Fast and Slow
  • The Thing

He argues that doubting requires thinking, and therefore, the act of thinking confirms his existence.

Visualize the relationships between your notes. Find hidden patterns in your thinking through a visually engaging and interactive graph.
Philosophy Books René Descartes
An infinite space to research, brainstorm, diagram, and lay out your ideas. Canvas is a limitless playground for your mind. Learn more.
Lecture 1


  • Reason and innate knowledge → acquire knowledge
  • Fundamental truths and principles can be known independent of experience
  • A priori reasoning
  • Reason and deduction


  • Experience and sensory perception → acquire knowledge
  • All knowledge is derived from experience and observation of the external world
  • A posteriori reasoning
Cogito, ergo sum

In Meditations on First Philosophy the philosopher René Descartes describes a series of doubts about the nature of reality, arriving at the famous phrase:

I think therefore I am

He argues that doubting requires thinking, and therefore, the act of thinking confirms his existence.

Image of Rene Descartes embedded in Obsidian Canvas
Image of Baruch Spinoza embedded in Obsidian Canvas
Wikipedia page about David Hume embedded in Obsidian Canvas
Build your ideal thinking space. With hundreds of plugins and our open API, it's easy to tailor Obsidian to fit your personal workflow. Learn more.
Community plugins
Calendar by Liam Cain
Calendar view of your daily notes.
Kanban by Matthew Meyers
Markdown-backed kanban boards.
Dataview by Michael Brenan
Advanced queries for the data-obsessed.
Outliner by Viacheslav Slinko
Work with your lists.
Tasks by Martin Schenck and Clare Macrae
Track tasks across your entire vault.

Sync securely.

Access your notes on any device, secured with end-to-end encryption. Learn more.

Fine-grained control.
Decide which files and preferences you want to sync to which devices.
Version history.
Easily track changes between revisions, with one year of version history for every note.
Work with your team on shared files without compromising your private data.
Product screenshot Product screenshot Product screenshot

Publish instantly.

Turn your notes into an online wiki, knowledge base, documentation, or digital garden. Learn more.

Seamless editing
Publish your notes instantly from the Obsidian app, and make it easy for readers to explore your web of ideas.
Control the look and feel of your site with themes, custom domains, password protection, and more.
Optimized for performance
Obsidian Publish sites are fast, mobile-friendly, and optimized for SEO, no configuration required.
Example of Obsidian Help site powered by Obsidian Publish
Explore the Obsidian Help site, powered by Obsidian Publish.

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