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December 5, 2022

Shiny new things

  • Introducing the Canvas core plugin. You can now lay your notes out in an infinite, spatial canvas.


  • Ribbon items can now be rearranged (drag & drop) or hidden (right click on the ribbon for options). Configuration is also available in Settings (Appearance → Ribbon menu). Note: if you are using an existing plugin to manage the ribbon, this might interfere.
  • Plugins can now be sorted by "Recently updated."
  • Added theme version information to the debug modal.
  • Added "Close window" command (Ctrl/Command + Shift + W).
  • Pressing Shift + Enter in the editor Find Dialog will find the previous instance.

No longer broken

  • Linux: fixed middle-click to paste.
  • 'Split' commands will now focus the newly created tab group.
  • Fixed issue where File explorer would not always select the right items when using shift-clicking.
  • Popout windows will now open with the same zoom level as the main window
  • Fixed Home behavior in task lists.
  • Moving folders to the Obsidian trash (.trash) will no longer add a trailing .
  • Fix ordered lists showing as bullets.
  • Plugin gallery will no longer cache the results if there's no internet connection.
  • macOS: fixed issue with spell check replacing the wrong word on the same line.
  • Improved styling of text when the accent color is lighter than a certain threshold.
  • Fixed "Fold more" and "Fold less" commands not working properly on list items.
  • The File explorer will no longer capture arrow key events when modifier keys are used. This was breaking hotkeys such as Ctrl + Shift + →.
  • Fixed issue with folds in Reading mode getting unfolded when creating a new tab.


  • We have added a Developer CHANGELOG to our API repo. Moving forward, we will keep developer-facing changes cataloged here.
  • Canvas uses a new JSON-based file format, see the spec.
  • Added new metadata APIs.
  • Added macOS calendar entitlements.
  • Added support for fundingUrl in the plugin manifest. The donation URL will be shown in the plugin gallery entry.
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